Read my policy overview on Big Money in Politics here.
Corporations and Super PACs exert far too much influence on our political system. The voices of companies and organizations with large sums overshadow the voices of American people. Our government is controlled by large contributors and lobbyists who are able to influence decisions for their benefit aiding or blocking legislation, rather than working for everyday individuals who cannot sway policy with millions of dollars. The power of big money can be seen in all aspects of politics including gun control, pharmaceuticals and health care, and education costs, hindering progress and harming Americans. Our elected leaders should not be bought by big money and cannot continue to work for a small sect of the United States with a disproportionate amount of political influence.
Unlike Representative Anna Eshoo who was unable to honor her 1988 pledge to challenge the sacred cows, I have taken a pledge to refuse Special Interest money and PAC campaign contributions. Although Eshoo has publicly stated that the Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC, “cast a dark shadow over our democracy by bringing us dangerously closer to an electoral system where the voices of average Americans are easily drowned out by special interests,” she has chosen to accept PAC money and special interest group money anyway. I am dismayed by the A-rating to Rep. Eshoo from Against Citizens United when she continues to play into and benefit from the system.
This co-option of the political system in order to benefit the private sector is perfectly legal thanks to the Citizens United decision made by the Supreme Court. But money is not free speech, and it definitely is not votes or public opinion. In office I will work tirelessly to remove the undue power of big money and lobbyists, work to end Citizens United, and restore the focus on American governance back to the American public, where it should be.