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Time for change.. the word on Rep. Eshoo’s failures of the last 30 years are finally out there.
The engine has been idling for far too long - time to replace it.
Why would a hi-tech executive engage in politics? Simple, there are too many wrongs that need a fix.

Engine Idling vs. Electric Car

This is my simple quest

  • Fearless politics, keenly interested in protecting the people and their interests
  • Relentless energy and push; focus upon the top issues with a results-driven approach. Never activity for the sake of activity. Never political rhetoric or partisan politics.
  • Serve with integrity, do not sell out, and always engage to solve the community’s challenges.

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Our neighbors are not exactly deeply attached to Rep. Eshoo and are finding plenty of reasons to switch support as we go door to door. We are getting support because:

  • Partisan politics is not my forte: I will never challenge our first amendment the way Rep. Eshoo has, by pressuring cable companies to stop carrying Fox News, Newsmax and OANN. I love our constitution too much to ever challenge it.
  • My pledge: I will put the interests of people always first, never the lobbyists or the land developers. And we all know Rep. Eshoo’s alignment with Big Pharma.
  • Why shouldn't Silicon Valley have a tech savvy congressional leader in Washington - I work in the Big Data, Data Analytics and AI/ML software industry.

Our Forte

Our forte is a solid ground game - you may have noticed that already. Last week was the best canvassing week ever; we knocked on more doors and flipped more voters compared to any other week in campaign history.

I walk daily @ 5pm and might ring your doorbell

I am walking daily meeting with our neighbors in the various cities of our congressional district, and the experience has been VERY encouraging. People open the door with smiles on their faces - reminds me of my experience walking in Saratoga and the reception I have gotten.The name ID has taken a huge leap compared to when we started March 2019. I used to wonder why so many congressional candidates took 2 iterations to win. I think I know why now. The hegemony of 30 years can be difficult to crack. Though, I sincerely believe that if we could have talked to people at their doors last summer during the pandemic (and not just leave flyers), we could have garnered the 45k gap votes to win last year. We are on a mission to supplement the historic 127k votes of last year and are fine-tuning aspects of our campaign based on the learning.

A summary of what our neighbors are saying

  • Rep. Eshoo has stayed in the office for too long - turning 80 next year. Senator Feinstein’s current term will end when she is 92 years old. Oh gosh! Folks are tired of this aspect of American politics and in tandem reference the need for term limits. Time for change!
  • There are big challenges looming ahead with Big Tech privacy issues, antitrust, fires, drought, infrastructure - and obviously Rep. Eshoo is not the person capable of addressing them - based on her 30 year track record of non-performance. People also bring up her tech congressional hearings, how Rep. Eshoo is an expert when it comes to throwing Silicon Valley tech under the bus. But, Rep. Eshoo failed to recognize these tech transgressions that were happening right under her nose in her very own congressional district. Did nothing! While her bravado on national TV slamming tech has been top notch; they quickly become spoof videos on Youtube.
  • People are sick of partisan politics and of political rhetoric that are considered sure shot vote banks, shirking away from the core issues that deserve attention. People want a bipartisan approach to problem solving. I am for - not Right, nor Left, but Forward. Rep. Eshoo has been a back bencher instead of a problem solver, riding on the Pelosi establishment coattail.
  • The concern about Rep. Eshoo’s 4 bills in 30 years (versus the 50 she claims) are also being heard loud and clear. Why would she flaunt bills that never became law? Concern is brewing over the not-so-ethical tactics that have been adopted.
  • Rep. Eshoo's weekly congressional emails, albeit long and not short on content, don’t serve much purpose - what problems were solved? Please review them with that problem solving lens. We have heard of this concern since the beginning of our campaign in 2019 from many district residents; her emails are just activity for the sake of activity.
  • Teleconference calls faded out as a platform at least 10 years ago. Rep. Eshoo’s teleconference town hall meetings are orchestrated. Uncomfortable questions are ignored. This too has been said for many years. I will only do face to face town hall meetings - like the ones we did in 2019 in the pre-pandemic era. We hope to get them started as soon as August.

You deserve a better representative. I will serve with integrity and energy.

Nothing done vs Getting Things Done.