Lacks understanding of tech issues clearly seen in the congressional tech hearings, that is the driving force of Silicon Valley.
Innovation Economy
Rishi Kumar
Rishi holds a masters degree in mechanical engineering and as a hi-tech executive will grow Silicon Valley's innovation economy.
Anna Eshoo
Supports the privatization of Medicare via ACO REACH risking senior health, increasing costs!
Fighting for Seniors
Rishi Kumar
Opposes Medicare's privatization! Has a track record of fighting for seniors and winning. Protected seniors from rising taxes and utility bills.
Anna Eshoo
Voted against Women: Opposed fighting online sex trafficking and punishing sexual assaulters in the military. Voted against the recall of Judge Persky, who was successfully recalled by voters for light sentencing of a sexual assaulter.
Fighting for Women’s Rights
Rishi Kumar
A fighter, not a follower: Will work to bridge the gender gap and to legislate reproductive rights. Rishi pushed for the recall of Persky.