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Your Vote is Your Voice... Every Vote Counts

Vote Rishi Kumar for United States Representative

Simple instructions below on how to - whether you are a registered voter or not
Questions? Email us info@Rishi4Congress.com or call us at 408 805 5993 - our team is on standby to help you

#1 Register at RegisterToVote.ca.gov.

Vote today or by 8pm on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024.
Find your polling location or vote center below

#2 Are you already registered?

How to Vote---two choices. See below

#2.1: Vote By Mail

5 Steps: Just find your ballot (mailed to you in early February), find a blue/black pen, fill the oval as shown in the picture above, sign the outside of the envelope, and mail it - no postage required. Easy! If you cannot find your ballot, or have questions on voting, call your county office.
NOTE: If you haven't received a Vote By Mail ballot you can call your county's Election Department and request one.

#2.2: Where to drop your ballots?

#2.3 In-person Voting

Find a close by Vote center where you can ask a ballot and vote

#3 Track Your Ballot

Tracking your ballot - when it is mailed, received, and counted - has never been easier.